Tuesday 30 July 2013

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 10 “The Overlooked” Promo and Synopsis

Have you seen the latest episode of Teen Wolf Season 3? Titled “The Girl Who Knew Too Much”… Anyway, if you haven’t seen it yet you should see it now ‘because who would have thought that sweet lady is the Darach?! That was so unexpected! Because she seemed so nice, sweet and very protective to the people around her.  If you like to see this episode, you can visit telepisodes.eu to view Teen Wolf Season 3 Episodes online and enjoy it anytime you like.

Anyway, I hope that Sheriff Stilinski will be okay on the next episode, ‘because it would be really sad to see Stiles lose his only family left. And poor Stiles, it must have been really hard for him to explain to his father about why he’s not able to solve unexplained crimes that happened before in Beacon Hills, because he couldn’t believe that supernatural really exist.

Here’s the sizzling new promo for Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 10 “The Overlooked”;

Well anyway here’s the synopsis for Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 10; Trapped inside an evacuated Beacon Hills hospital by a powerful storm, Scott and Derek must defend themselves against the Alphas while trying to figure out how to save a Cora’s life.

New Mysteries to be solved:

From the previous episode, Did Derek arrange for her to be bitten? or Did Peter do it all on his own?

What is happening to Cora? Why is she not healing, she’s supposed to be healing already but it seems that she’s gotten worse.

Who is really Jennifer Blake? Is her name really her real name? And what is she up to?

How is Scott going to be an Alpha? Can he really become an Alpha without killing an Alpha?

And the last mystery but absolutely not the least, Lydia is Banshee??? 

Stay tune and find it out yourself, if you like to see this upcoming Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 10 online, well, you may visit telepisodes.eu to see the full episode of the show where you could also enjoy seeing the full previous episodes from Season 1 ‘till the latest Season.

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